A New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles.
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Uso de abstract expressionism em inglês
Was part of abstractexpressionism, was part of its break through size?
It turns out I like group singing and the abstractexpressionism of small children.
I'm terse with the minimalists, wild with abstractexpressionism and florid with the baroque.
Conventional wisdom discounts the success of abstractexpressionism as a piece of CIA-sponsored cultural imperialism.
The narrative began with impressionism, moved to expressionism, fauvism, cubism, Dadaism, surrealism, and abstractexpressionism.
In the following years Helen Frankenthaler and Joan Mitchell produced the most powerful responses to classic abstractexpressionism.
They pioneered abstractexpressionism and helped move the centre of the art world from Paris to New York.
It is as if he was trying to create pop art and abstractexpressionism on the same canvas.
From the opening titles, abstractexpressionism reigns powerfully and conveys a great deal of intense, if finally unspecifiable, meaning.
Nevelson is one of a number of women who played an important, if generally unacknowledged role in abstractexpressionism.
Chicago is represented by companies like five-year-old Manual Cinema that incorporates multimedia, soundscapes, and storytelling focusing on abstractexpressionism.
All four are painters, but their work spans a little history of art from abstractexpressionism to minimalism and back again.
What he learned there, and at a show of American abstractexpressionism in Brussels in 1959, he made local as soon as he got home.
He has taken the legacy of postwar abstractexpressionism, and allied to that a deep love of the great eternal themes of the classical world.
A room of black-and-white canvases shows him working with paint as if it were charcoal, drawing then freely erasing, the blackened results presaging abstractexpressionism.
Anxious Red Drawings are just as the title describes: pissed-off washes of deep red paint consume the canvas, recalling abstractexpressionism in its darkest moods.